Headshots have been a staple for most businesses since the world became digital. You may have a headshot on a business card, company website, portfolio, Social media, ID, Internal use, I could go on. Thinking about how many uses you may come across for your headshot, doesn’t it make sense to get one professionally done? Why not have one you are happy with that shows who you are rather than taking a quick “selfie” on your phone. Phone cameras have come along way in a short amount of time but it's not just having a decent camera that makes a good headshot. You need to think about numerous things such as; poses, focus, background, lighting, facial expressions, editing, format…. It seems a simple thing but a lot goes into a professional headshot.
A corporate headshot should be a well lit, posed portrait that is used for corporate communication. It can be against a background of solid colour

Another option is to find an interesting background for your headshot photo and the photographer can shoot the session with the background slightly blurred. This gives a professional feel but gives the portrait a little more depth. You may choose to have an office in the background or perhaps some greenery? This comes down to your preferences and the options you have around you.
Having your headshot photo in-front of your logo is a favourite for companies wanting all their employees to have uniformed social media profile pictures and again can be done so they look very professional. This way every person in the business will have the same recognisable headshot which makes finding people on social media easier and is great for brand awareness

Do I stand up or sit down? This is also personal preference. A headshot photo with you sat in a chair can be a great look if you want something less formal but is still smart and professional. Sat on a stool leaning forward or stood up leaning against a wall are all good forms of portrait photography but it depends on the look and feel you are going for. Ask to try a few different poses. You may be surprised which one you prefer.
Lighting plays a huge part in headshots. You can have a brightly lit photo which comes across as happy and approachable, You may want to go for the half face in shadow look if you are publishing a book and want a dramatic portrait. Actors may want a variety of headshots with different lighting to showcase their range. A photo lit from below can look sinister whilst a dark photo could portray sadness and a bright picture happiness. Portrait photographers should be proficient in lighting techniques